Top Five Benefits of Business Security Monitoring Chicagoland Local and Family Owned

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Top Five Benefits of Business Security Monitoring

  • May 15, 2018
  • by Carlos Lopez

If you’re a business owner, you pride yourself on running a tight ship. You’ve weathered recessions, shifting market conditions, fierce competition, and razor-thin margins. But are you taking other threats into account? The right business security system, backed by 24/7 security monitoring, can help protect all the time, money, and sweat equity you’ve built into your business, and Security Doctors of Illinois can help at every step of the way.

Reinforce Your Hardware

Good hardware makes up the backbone of any business security system. Security Doctors of Illinois has helped countless business owners protect their property, assets, and personnel. The hardware we offer includes panic and burglary alarms, access controls, environmental controls, and more. Each of those components offers peace of mind, but without monitoring they’re missing something: the human element. Since you can’t be at your business 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our trained professionals are your eyes and ears when you’re not there.

An Ounce of Prevention

Security systems do more than sound an alarm. They have a strong deterrent effect. One study estimates that if a potential burglar sees that a home or business has a security system, they’re 60 percent less likely to attempt a break-in. Similarly, making it known that your premises are monitored by CCTV can cut the incidence of shoplifting, or of assaults on your employees.

Rapid Response

24/7 security monitoring also means that in the event that something goes wrong, a response can be summoned quickly. Depending on the equipment and protection chosen, Security Doctors’ professionals can monitor for far more than fires and break-ins. Changes in temperature or burst pipes that could endanger your stock or equipment, for instance, can be responded to quickly to keep these events a minor inconvenience instead of a catastrophe.

Save on Insurance

Besides death and taxes, high insurance premiums are one thing nobody can avoid. However, there are ways to cushion the blow. Insurance companies aren’t merely concerned with the payout after an incident; their interest — and yours — lies in mitigating risk to ensure that their services aren’t needed. Some policies require the installation of alarm systems as a bare minimum. You still stand to benefit even when a system isn’t required. When an insurance company sees that you’ve installed a monitored security system, they see lower risk; as a result, you’re likely to be rewarded with lower premiums.

Peace of Mind

Whether you’re a manufacturer keeping tabs on your Schaumburg warehouse, an entrepreneur operating a convenience store in Chicago or a property manager with an apartment complex in Evanston, this may be the most common reason to opt for 24/7 business security monitoring. You can’t possibly control every last thing that happens in, or to, your business. But you can have full-time situational awareness that keeps your business, as well as everyone and everything in it, safer.

There’s no wrong reason to get a business security system, and these are only a few of the many right reasons. For more information and a free business security consultation, contact Security Doctors of Illinois at 847-386-8838 today!


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