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Talking to Kids About Home Security

5 Home Security Tips for Families with Kids

  • April 19, 2017

It’s the middle of the night, and your home security system is blaring. You roll over, hoping that it’s just been triggered by that loose wire again, but something tells you that this time is different. As you turn off the alarm, you can hear strange noises that tell you there’s someone in your home. Your heart clenches, and your first thought is, “What about the kids?” Developing a home security strategy when you have children at home adds an…

5 Tips for Talking to Kids About Home Security

  • October 3, 2016

Whether you live in an area that’s prone to crime, or in an area where break-ins are so uncommon that it’s a jarring reality check when one does occur, you want to be sure that your home security is up to par. Even more importantly, you want to be sure that your kids are familiar with your home security system. Some parents, however, worry that keeping the kids in the loop about the home security system will only frighten them,…

Start the New Year With Home Security

  • December 31, 2015

The New Year is almost here, and similar to previous years, you make New Year’s resolutions. If you’re like most people, making resolutions is easier than keeping them. By mid-January, New Year’s resolutions are no more. Make 2016 different. Make a new year’s resolution to keep your family safe. Achieve this goal by installing home security in your home. It’s one promise you won’t break! In addition to installing home security, we offer additional resolutions.  Install indoor and outdoor light…

Unexpected Benefits to Home Security for Parents of Teenagers

  • October 23, 2015

When you put in a home security system, you’re probably thinking about the safety of yourself and your family. You want to be alerted in the event of a break-in, summon help quickly, and scare away intruders. Installing a home security system, however, can have a number of side benefits. Keep YourTeenagers Inside. Do you have a teenager who might sneak out at night? Installing a home security system is a surefire way to keep your teen inside instead of discovering too…