The “smart home” has officially arrived. A few years ago, the ability to control aspects of the home—from lights to blinds—was the realm of that tech-savvy friend you knew. It took a good deal of setup, and after all that, the lights would dim with a simple click from a smartphone…sometimes. Then, slowly but surely, “smart” technology started to spread. It seemed that overnight, smart lightbulbs had a front-and-center spot at the hardware store—and there were a lot of them!…
Security Doctors Blog Chicagoland Local and Family Owned
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Selecting the Right Security Company to Protect Your Home
There are few decisions as important as choosing the security company that will look after your home. With plenty of options, weighing the pros and cons of each can seem overwhelming. After all, your peace of mind is on the line, and the safety and well-being of your home and family. While there are a lot of variables to consider, ultimately, it all comes down to trust. Do you trust the people? Some folks may start by reviewing the different…
4 Tips To Help Keep Your Home More Secure in Chicago
Homeowners should take the security of their home seriously. According to the FBI, there is a burglary in the United States every 15 seconds, with an average of $1,725 worth of stolen property. Most people, whose homes have been burglarized, thought they had done enough to avoid becoming a victim. What many homeowners underestimate is that most homes are actually quite easy to get into when you’re a burglar, and not worried about damaging property. We help Chicago residents improve…
5 Home Security Tips for Families with Kids
It’s the middle of the night, and your home security system is blaring. You roll over, hoping that it’s just been triggered by that loose wire again, but something tells you that this time is different. As you turn off the alarm, you can hear strange noises that tell you there’s someone in your home. Your heart clenches, and your first thought is, “What about the kids?” Developing a home security strategy when you have children at home adds an…
4 Modern Home Security Features to Consider
As the world becomes more and more dangerous, home security becomes more and more important. This is especially true in big cities like Chicago, where crime is particularly common. Home security, however, has become a little more complicated in recent years. There are so many options that it can be tough to choose exactly what you want. Of course, you can just ask for the basic package, but even that can include all sorts of technology that you didn’t even…
How Home Security Systems Lower Homeowner Insurance Rates
A home security system doesn’t just keep a household safe; it can also go towards lowering the cost of your homeowner’s insurance policy. Though every insurance company is different, many of them offer incentives and rewards for improving your home security. If you’ve been thinking of installing a security system in your home, here is just one more reason why you should stop thinking about it and call Security Doctors today. Better Security Means Better Discounts At Security Doctors, our…
7 Security Tips to Keep Your Home Safe in the New Year
With the holiday season behind us, many of us are ready to start the new year off with new habits and routines. We focus on taking better care of our bodies, our finances, and our loved ones, but what about our homes? Home burglaries are common, especially in the winter months when lots of holiday gifts and money are lying around. Take steps to keep yourself from being the victim of a break-in this new year by following a few…
6 Reasons to Avoid a DIY Illinois Home Security System
In an effort to save money, many people choose to purchase a DIY Illinois home security system. However, despite the temptation of money savings, installing a home security system yourself may not be the right answer for a number of reasons. Here are just a few of them. 1. Installation requires some technical knowledge. Installing a home security system is more challenging than it may seem. Many homeowners attempt installation only to find out it requires more technical knowledge than…
5 Tips for Talking to Kids About Home Security
Whether you live in an area that’s prone to crime, or in an area where break-ins are so uncommon that it’s a jarring reality check when one does occur, you want to be sure that your home security is up to par. Even more importantly, you want to be sure that your kids are familiar with your home security system. Some parents, however, worry that keeping the kids in the loop about the home security system will only frighten them,…
Social Media & Home Security: Are Your Posts Leaving You Vulnerable?
Social media has certainly changed our lives in the last decade and a half. For the most part, these have been good changes that involve facilitating rapid communication and the spread of vital information. As we continue to learn more and more about the information we share and how it is perceived by what could potentially be a global audience, we are also coming to the realization that just because a person can share information, doesn’t mean it is…