Homeowners should take the security of their home seriously. According to the FBI, there is a burglary in the United States every 15 seconds, with an average of $1,725 worth of stolen property. Most people, whose homes have been burglarized, thought they had done enough to avoid becoming a victim. What many homeowners underestimate is that most homes are actually quite easy to get into when you’re a burglar, and not worried about damaging property. We help Chicago residents improve…
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5 Home Security Tips for Families with Kids
It’s the middle of the night, and your home security system is blaring. You roll over, hoping that it’s just been triggered by that loose wire again, but something tells you that this time is different. As you turn off the alarm, you can hear strange noises that tell you there’s someone in your home. Your heart clenches, and your first thought is, “What about the kids?” Developing a home security strategy when you have children at home adds an…
4 Modern Home Security Features to Consider
As the world becomes more and more dangerous, home security becomes more and more important. This is especially true in big cities like Chicago, where crime is particularly common. Home security, however, has become a little more complicated in recent years. There are so many options that it can be tough to choose exactly what you want. Of course, you can just ask for the basic package, but even that can include all sorts of technology that you didn’t even…